Your Hair, Your Health, Your Right

We are a specialized hair transplant clinic in Turkey, providing not only treatment but also attention to your comfort and convenience, along with the opportunity to spend time in this beautiful country.

Why choose us?

Premium Quality at Unbeatable Prices:

Why compromise? Get the best hair transplant value with us – premium quality, expert care, and affordability that beats the rest.

All-Inclusive Experience:

Our all-inclusive package leaves nothing to chance. We’ve got you covered from the moment you land – VIP transfers, hotel stays, clinic visits, and even post-transplant support.

Expertise You Can Trust:

Our skilled doctor, with over 12 years of experience, will make your hair dreams a reality. Trust expertise that’s tried, tested, and proven.

Fast-Track Confidence:

Reclaim your confidence in just a matter of days. Our streamlined process minimizes your time commitment, delivering remarkable results with efficiency and precision.

Countless Satisfied Clients:

Join our ever-growing family of satisfied patients who have witnessed their hair restoration dreams come true. Our success stories speak volumes about the quality of our services.

Comprehensive Post-Transplant Support:

Your journey doesn’t end after the transplant. We’re here for you for an entire year, providing post-transplant support, and guidance to ensure your new hair looks and feels perfect.

Turkey: Land of Beauty, Land of You:

Experience Turkey’s beauty while transforming your own. World-class care and a chance to explore – all in one journey.

Clear Communication, No Language Hassles:

Our English translator ensures easy understanding and smooth interactions at every step. No language barriers, just straightforward conversations.

No Upfront Payment Necessary:

We believe in building trust. That’s why we offer our services without any upfront payment requirements. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we demonstrate it through our flexible payment options.

Prepare for your journey

Initial Consultation

Preparing for Your Journey

Arrive and Rest

Clinic Consultation

Transplant Procedure

Recover and Rest

Post-Transplant Care

Explore Turkey

Ongoing Support

Share Your Success

At the start of your hair restoration journey, we begin with a personalized touch. Answer a few essential questions to help us understand your goals and concerns. This initial consultation sets the foundation for your transformation, ensuring that we tailor our approach to your unique needs.
Leave the travel arrangements to us. Once you’re ready to move forward, simply book your flight, and we’ll take care of the rest. Your convenience is our priority, and we ensure that everything is in place for your trip to Turkey.
As you land, our VIP transfer service will be ready to whisk you away to your hotel, where a comfortable and inviting room awaits. You’ll have the chance to relax and rejuvenate, ensuring you’re in the best state of mind for the upcoming procedure.
Experience a comprehensive, in-person consultation at our clinic. Our experienced medical team will guide you through the entire process, addressing any questions or concerns you may have. This direct interaction solidifies the plan and sets the stage for a successful transformation.
The day of your hair transplant has arrived. Rest assured, you’re in the hands of our skilled and professional medical team. Our advanced techniques ensure a precise and comfortable procedure, bringing you one step closer to your desired outcome.
After the procedure, it’s time to rest and recuperate. Retreat to your hotel room and take this day to relax, allowing your body to heal naturally. This step is crucial to ensure the best results and your overall well-being.
As you continue your journey, we provide special care to support your healing process. Our team will give you a gentle head wash and offer thoughtful gifts and set for taking care of your hairs as a token of our commitment to your satisfaction and comfort.
Beyond hair restoration, enjoy the beauty and culture of Turkey. Take time to explore local attractions, savor delicious cuisine, and immerse yourself in this unique experience.
Your transformation doesn’t end with your departure. Stay connected with us for a full year of support and follow-up. We’re here to ensure your satisfaction and monitor your progress, answering any questions that may arise.
Celebrate your success and renewed confidence. Share your transformed appearance and the story of your journey with us.

Trust the Experts.

At Come Hair, we’re dedicated to transforming lives through world-class hair restoration. With over a decade of experience, our expert team specializes in delivering natural-looking results that restore confidence and self-esteem.

As a new presence in the UK, we’re excited to offer you incredible opportunities and unbeatable prices, thanks to our strong partnerships in Turkey.

We believe that everyone deserves the highest quality care, and we make it accessible with competitive pricing and all-inclusive packages. Our commitment to excellence, unwavering support, and a year-long post-transplant journey set us apart.
With over 12 years of dedicated experience in hair transplant procedures, Dr. Serafettin Bulut is not only your lead surgeon but also your trusted partner throughout your hair restoration journey. With unwavering commitment to excellence, Dr. Serafettin Bulut personally attends to and performs every single operation, ensuring the highest quality care and stunning results.

Discover the Come Hair difference today. Take advantage of our exclusive introductory offers – your journey to a revitalized look starts here.

Ready to transform your hair and your life? Explore our services and book your consultation today.

Our MISSION: to make hair transplantation easy and accessible for everyone!

Invest in Yourself, Invest in Quality.

We offer services in both DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) techniques. Find out the Perfect Technique for Your Needs During Your Free Consultation.

All inclusive



We answer frequently asked questions

Typically, you’ll need to stay in Turkey for a few days. The procedure itself can be completed in one day, followed by a brief recovery period. Our team will provide you with a recommended timeline based on your individual case.
Both DHI and FUE techniques minimize scarring. With DHI, scarring is almost invisible, while FUE leaves tiny, dot-like scars that are easily concealed by your existing hair. Our focus is on achieving natural-looking results with minimal scarring.
Most patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure, primarily during the administration of local anesthesia. Afterward, you should not feel any significant pain during the transplant itself. Any post-procedure discomfort is usually manageable with prescribed pain medication.
Yes, our goal is to provide natural-looking results. Our experienced medical team ensures that the transplanted hair matches your existing hair in terms of direction, angle, and density.
While we cannot guarantee specific results, we are committed to providing you with the best possible outcome. We stand by the quality of our work, and your satisfaction is our top priority.
We understand that our pricing may seem too good to be true. The reason for our competitive prices is that we’re launching our services in the UK, and thanks to our valued partners, they have kindly provided us with the best prices and special offers to help us fulfill our mission of providing world-class hair restoration services.
The transplanted hair may start to grow within a few months, but it can take up to a year for full results to become visible. Patience is key, and our team will monitor your progress and provide guidance throughout the process.
While it’s essential to follow post-transplant care instructions, you can typically wear a loose-fitting hat or head covering after a few days, as advised by our team. It’s crucial to avoid anything tight that might disturb the transplanted area.
DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) are both hair transplantation techniques, but they differ in the way hair follicles are extracted and implanted. DHI involves the use of a specialized tool, while FUE uses a micro-punch. The best technique for you depends on your specific case, which our experts will determine during your consultation.
Absolutely! We offer a complimentary initial consultation to assess your needs, discuss your goals, and provide you with personalized recommendations. There are no charges or obligations associated with this consultation.
The duration of the procedure depends on the number of grafts being transplanted. On average, it can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours. Our team will give you a more accurate estimate during your consultation.
Recovery times can vary, but many patients can resume normal activities within a few days. However, it may take several weeks for the transplanted hair to start growing. Our team will provide detailed post-transplant care instructions.
We believe in transparency. There are no hidden costs or upfront payments. We offer clear pricing and flexible payment options, ensuring you are comfortable throughout the process.
Booking a consultation is easy. Simply *click here* to schedule your free consultation. Our team will be happy to assist you.
Yes, hair transplantation is considered safe when performed by experienced professionals. Our clinic adheres to strict safety and hygiene standards, and we use state-of-the-art techniques to ensure your safety and satisfaction.
Generally, there are no strict age limits for hair transplantation. The suitability of the procedure is determined on an individual basis. We assess factors like your overall health, hair loss pattern, and expectations during your consultation.
It depends on the specific medical condition and medication. We will thoroughly evaluate your medical history during your consultation to determine if you’re a suitable candidate. Your safety is our top priority.

Some of the results of the hair transplantation.

What clients are
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Our professionals can help you choose the haircut for your needs and lifestyle.

Your Dream Hair is a Click Away. Get in Touch Today.

Opening Hours: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

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Opening Hours: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.